
Home: Here and Now

Opens 19-07-2024,  closes 03-11-2024

Home Here and Now Exhibition Image

Home: Here and Now explores the experiences of Chinese people who have migrated to Tasmania, from the 1880s through to today. Oral history recollections are paired with objects meaningful to the participants. From moments of humour, to struggles as children and staying connected to heritage, the interviewees reflect on their modern lives and traditional values.

Tasmania also maintains a unique sister-state relationship with the Fujian Province in China. In Home: Here and Now Fujianese migrants reflect on the differences and similarities between their homes in China, and Australia. Finally, objects from the Guan Di Temple, on loan from the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery ground the exhibition in traditional Chinese folk religion, which helped build cultural and community belonging for the original Chinese settlers.

Home: Here and Now was made possible through a grant from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

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